Brain Alert Supplement!! What is that all about? We have a brand new supplement that will help you with brain alertness. If you are anything like me you could have used a little more of an alert brain in your younger years. This stuff is amazing and I haven’t had any side effects from this like I have had with other products. You don’t have to take my word for this either go here and get more information on how to get this product and try it for yourself.
Best uses for this supplement!
If you are in the military or do shift work then you know there are some times that you are on watch or at work that the brain fog is really bad. I know because I spent 22 years in the military. During certain watches it doesn’t matter what you do you can’t focus on anything really well. That could cause major issues.
One of the watches that I hated the most was the 0400-0800. This would have come in very handy because I could have taken it after getting up and would have had the mental alertness that I needed to make it through the watch and start the day. Another great thing about this is that it can help you rest better as well. The worse watches to have were the mid watch one night and then the next night having the 4-8’s.
I knew a lot of people that take Benadryl just to go to sleep for the next watch. That doesn’t help anyone because then the brain fog is even worse.
Brain Alert Supplement!!
With the supplement that I have found you can break through the fog and get on with what’s important. This isn’t all about the energy like so many different things right now. It is a by product yet not the main focus. so you don’t get the crash that comes with so many different things.
Alertness without all the sugar and caffeine. That’s a win/win in a lot of books. This means no shakes as well.
Leave the jitters behind!!
Just like the heading says you can leave the jitters behind you. Opening the path for better focus, memory and alertness. Who can’t use a little better memory to go along with the other benefits you find right here.

I don’t want this to be just another place you go to buy something. This is all about the information that is held here. Doing 22 years has opened my eyes to how much education is missing for those that stand the watch. I want to put this in perspective.
- 1200-0400
- 0400-0800
- 0800-1200 (day)
- 1200-1600 (day)
- 1600-2000 (day)
- 2000-2400
For those that don’t know military time just subtract 12 from any number over it and it will tell you the time in civilian time.
Let’s break down the watches now. We are going to say that you have a 1-7 rotation. This means that you are standing one watch a day. If you are lucky enough to have a day watch then you are all set for the next day yet lets see how this breaks down.
Lets say your current watch is 1200-0400. You get the benefit of sleeping until 10 the next morning. Then your next 0400-0800. Inorder to get enough sleep for this watch you would need to be in bed by 2000. So that gives you 10 hours that day to do what you need to do and then get to bed. I was never able to get enough sleep. So then you are are your post very early in the morning and have to go through the work day as well.
In other word you are beyond tired. Feel like a walking zombie. your next watch is starting the day rotation yet it’s going to be very rough getting to where you need to be before getting sleep.
The Help!
This product could help you break through the zombie phase and get to where you can function. I have tried it going to be a 0200 and getting up at 0630 and having enough to get through the day and have a great night sleep on the other side. This Brain alert Supplement could have just stopped the Zombie apocalypse all by itself. AMAZING!!