Have you ever wanted to make the best burrito without wasting time on a recipe.
I’m telling you now that I figured out the best way to make the best burrito and have enough for more meals. Of course the family wasn’t around so it was all mine.
This will change your mind about what you put into a burrito as well. I never knew how well some things mixed together until I tried this.

The Planning!!!
The ingredients that I use are the ones I have on hand. Very little planning ahead. It can be made with chicken or beef.
I prefer beef because it’s less planning ahead as chicken. Yet if you have a crock-pot this would be a great thing to throw in there and let it cook through the day.
Throwing Things Together!!
Just like any other “receipe” this one you can drop some things out or add others that you like in your burritos.
- Chicken or Beef (about a pound)
- Taco Seasoning (to taste)
- Re-fried beans (one can)
- Black Beans (one Can)
- Water (to taste for the seasoning)
- White Rice (instant)
- Mexican Cheese (the kind you like on tacos)
- Sour Cream (Always to Taste)
- Lettuce if you feel like something green.
I know for some of you these seems like a lot to have in a burrito. That’s why I always use the large tortillas. Of course later in the week I don’t feel like having the tortillas and I’ll put it on chips to make nachos.

Oh Yeah and Pretty much everything is in one pan!!!
How to put it together!!!
Cook the chicken or beef until done. For the beef you will want to drain the grease. Unless you like that running down your hand.
For the chicken add the step of shredding the chicken. So when the chicken is done you pull it apart and then add it back to the pan.
Once this step is complete you want to add the water and seasoning to the beef or chicken in the pan. Bring it to a boil and then reduce to a simmer.
In a seporate pot put in water for the rice. Bring to a boil and cook as instructed. I usually add a little less water than directed and it will be come clear why in a min.
When 90% of the water with the beef is boiled off you will want to add the re-fried beans and black beans. Mix well to make sure everything is pretty even across the mixture.
Almost Done!!
When the rice has soaked up most of the water in the other pot add the rice to the beef mixture. This will allow the rice to soak in some of the water with the seasoning in it. From there it’s just the tortillas or chips if you want that. This can also make a great taco salad if you want that instead.
I like to warm my tortillas in the microwave for about 30 sec. This will make them soft and fold-able. Add the mixture to whichever type you decided on. In my tortillas I will do two scoops with the spatula. Then I top with cheese and sour cream.
The Enjoyment Has Just Begun!!
This burrito will go well with a lot of different drinks. I know most people would prefer a margarita with this type of food. They wouldn’t stand up to the tastes that you can have delivered to your home. Ultimately the wine you want can be delivered right to your door. Go Here and see how!!