Survive the End Days is a e-book written by Nathan Shepard. Also know that Nathan is a Bible scholar with a background in theology and archaeology. After 17 years of studying the ancient scriptures and how the word of prophets become historical fact. With a clear and concise manor his spine chilling theory links present times events to Bible prophecies. He foretells a very sinister future for the US. After foretelling this future he decided that he must become a survival expert. This included training and preparing for the worst disaster in human history…
What’s in the Book?
The book contains 8 chapters of information on how he came to this sinister foretelling.

CH 1: Revelations On The End Of Times
Learn all about how Nathan discovered how the world will come to an end. He goes on to explain how the bible predicted events that happened thousands of years in advance. These explanations always bared the hallmark of divine intervention. Go here to get the whole story.
CH 2: What Exactly Is An EMP?
In this chapter Nathan explains what will happen to end the world. For those that don’t know an EMP is an Electro-Pulsge Magnet Disturbance. This is eluding to a very advanced type of weapon to be used.
CH 3: Why Struggle to Protect Electronics?
Many electronics are useful and life saving in the situation to come. Learn to protect your electronics and which ones are going to be needed.
CH 4: Planning in Advance.
Advanced planning is critical to the survival of you, your family, and your electronics. Due to the fact that no one knows what the future holds you should start planning now.
CH 5: Life Saving Techniques
Get the techniques that will help you survive during this time. This chapter will be one that you will want to study and get to know. Go here to get the whole story.
Chapter 6: Security: When The Fight For Survival Becomes Real
Learn to protect your family and your supplies from attackers. Establishing security perimeters are very important to the survival of your family.
Chapter 7: Going The Extra Mile
This chapter is designed to take you past the basics needed for survival. This chapter will get into the emotional effects of what is to come.
Chapter 8: Final thoughts
For this chapter you will need to Go here to get the whole chapter.
This book is a must have for any survival minded person. Don’t wait Go here to get the whole story NOW.