Have you ever wondered if you can really find a way to fly free. Well we have found something that spells out the fly free facts that you have been waiting for.
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Eric told me he and his wife haven’t been on a vacation together for more than 4 years. Over a cup of coffee, he was explaining, or should I say making excuses, why he couldn’t take his wife on a romantic holiday.
Eric’s situation made me angry because I know and practice little known secrets how to travel, take vacations and get airline tickets for practically nothing, almost free!
Click Here and you could have access to same secrets, tricks and strategies that are used by travel agencies.
Separate the fact from the fiction. This amazing book will inform you about how the airline industry works and thinks. The fact of the matter is, we believe the advertising campaigns the airlines are pitching to us.
We believe the myths they’re shoving at us and it’s costing us hundreds of dollars of our hard earned money!
Now The Fly Free Facts!!
For instance, here are some myths the airlines have led you to believe:
Myth: Finding the cheapest fares are always online.
Truth: Wrong. Most of the wholesale airline contracts are prohibited from being marketed on any discount website. If you’re only searching Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity and the like, you’re not seeing all the really discounted fares that are available.
Myth: Buy your ticket direct from an airline will get you a good deal.
Truth: Wrong again. You just eliminated the possibility of buying a special kind of airline ticket, which is almost always cheaper than anything the airlines offer. You will find the lowest fares at the travel agencies.
Myth: The airlines sell off unsold seats cheap at the last minute.
Truth: This myth can cost you big time or the cancellation of your plans if you’re not willing to pay the exorbitant price the airlines want to extort from you. Believing this myth proves you have no clue about the airlines’ distribution system.
Imagine how happy you’ll feel when you save hundreds, perhaps even thousands, on your next trip or vacation? It’s up to you to make it happen. CLICK HERE